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Want to Build a Successful Dropshipping Business? Don’t Forget These 6 Secret Tips!

Updated: Jul 6, 2021

Increasing connectivity brought about by the internet has innovated ways in which retail businesses run. If you are looking to scale your business, dropshipping model has made it easier for business to expand! All you have to do is collate your customers’ orders and send it to your suppliers who will then ship the orders to your customers directly. You don’t have to worry about the cost of renting a storage space or shipping, just focus on your winning products and marketing.

However, the key to growing your business dependent on your customers’ positive experience with your shop. While you have reduced your inventory and logistics cost, are all your customers satisfied? Onus is on you to ensure that your customers are happy. Happy customers return or their positive reviews convince potential customers to purchase from you.

This is not of your supplier’s concern. As you won’t be able to physically check your customers’ parcels before they reach their final destinations, some suppliers may insert their own marketing materials into your packages. In worse case scenarios, customers receive a faulty package or don’t get their orders at all. This is when complaints come in and you have to be responsible for errors that you didn’t make.

What can you do to avoid these?

1. Do your necessary homework

Always do ample market research!

Many people jump headfirst into setting up their dropshipping businesses as they are convinced by the success of other dropshippers. While dropshipping makes running a retail business easier than before, it is merely a tool. How a user uses its tools defines the outcomes he/she gets. Don’t be fooled by thinking that success of someone else’s dropshipping store can be easily replicated for your business. Competition in the industry is stiff! You must put in effort to research and market your products’ unique selling points.

2. Standardise shipping rates

As locations where orders are coming from vary, so will shipping prices. This may affect a buyer’s decision to purchase from you. Standardise your customers’ shipping prices regardless of where they are located at. A flat shipping rate not only makes it easier for your customers, it also helps to reduce potential calculation errors for you.

3. Leave a lasting (good) impression after shipping

A smiling customer is a returning customer!

Unlike at a physical store, your brand is not seen throughout your customer’s whole shopping experience. Being memorable inks the impression of your brand further in the minds of your customers. You may want to consider customising thank you notes or product packages. ( link to tips on how to create a consistent brand image for your dropshipping business) When the order is fulfilled, you could send a customer-feedback survey to show how much you value their feedback. The feedback from your customer helps to improve your business too!

4. Don’t rely on only one supplier

As the saying goes ‘don’t place all your eggs in the same basket’. Likewise, don’t rely on one supplier for your products. This places you at the mercy of their price hikes. If the company goes out of business or run out of the product you’re selling, how would you be able to procure the products to fulfil your customer’s orders in time?

5. Have in place a system to resolve customer issues

You may make ample preparations but mistakes do happen. Have in place a system to react to issues when they arise. These issues may include damaged or lost items etc. When this happens, customer frustration is real. You want to be well prepared to offer solutions which resolves their dissatisfaction.

If you are unable to resolve the problem, your unhappy customer would want a return. Not having standard procedures to deal with returns and refunds will fuel their unhappiness with you. Hence, having an organised system to resolve customer issues will help to minimise irritation.

6. Engage a credible dropshipping agent

Finding the right dropshipping team to work with makes ALL the difference.

Minimise quality issues and product errors by working with a credible dropshipping agent. Dropshipping agents are based in China and will be able to help you to check the quality of your products before dispatch to your customers. In addition to helping you to customise your products for better brand display, dropshipping agents are able to negotiate preferential prices with suppliers for you. There are ways to vet a dropshipping agent to work with in order to provide your customers the best shopping experience with your brand.

Xianchao Logistics is a dropshipping agent with more than 30 years of logistics experience under our belt. We help our clients ensure their customers’ satisfaction with quality products and competitive shipping times. Enquire about how we may help you today!


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